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SONIC-R Flasher Tools 2.0

functions of these tools include:

1. BlackBerry Device Wipe
2. Reset to Factory
3. BlackBerry Flasher
4. Run Desktop Manager
5. deleted vendor.xml

On this occasion, I include deleted vendor.xml to make it easy for my friends to install the new OS without having complicated to locate these files in folders
Factory reset to restore the BlackBerry it is the initial setting,
usually performed if the BlackBerry trouble, so no need to wipe and load os again
BlackBerry ** flasher can be used for BlackBerry that ternuked address, or pins are not detected by the loader **

The most simple way to save BlackBerry ternuked:

1. ternuked connect your BlackBerry on your pc / laptop
2. Sonic run-N Flasher Tools
3. click the / button "BlackBerry Flasher"
4. are run loader, click next
5. Your BlackBerry will restart, then the next step is to install the OS as usual in general.
6. completed

ỏriginal build from Nato

Di Tulis Oleh.RDY BDG -

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